5 Easy Secrets to Get Up Early and Write

5 Easy Secrets to Get Up Early and Write

The first secret, I’m bursting to tell. It can’t even wait to get to my list. If you want to get up early and write, don’t do it every day. Do it once a week and make it a special treat. Alone time for yourself.  So many people never get up early, because they think they always have to do it.

I suggest you just do it once. Make it feel exciting like you’re getting up to catch a flight for an exotic adventure. Because you are.

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Myth Buster: The World Doesn't Need ANOTHER Sob Story

Myth Buster: The World Doesn't Need ANOTHER Sob Story

One question people always ask me when they're ready to write their book is, "Emily, why does the world need another sob story?" And you know what, I ask myself that question too, "Why is it that stories of struggle often provide the most authentic connections?" 

So, these days, whenever I get extremely confused, I ask my fifth graders. They pretty much know everything and they tell it to you straight. This past week they gave me a big epiphany on this subject. 

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3 Strategies for Journaling that Make Life Braver

3 Strategies for Journaling that Make Life Braver

You HAVE to journal. Yes you. It engages you in your life, making everything more exciting. And if life starts to get too exciting, you already have this calm and faithful habit to help you work things out. Journaling is a natural metabolizing process for our thoughts, and therefore your wildest dreams. In fact it´s kind of weird that we don´t have little journals tucked into our brain cells next to the mitochondria.

So, how does it work?

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Can Meditation Increase Inspiration?

Can Meditation Increase Inspiration?

Recently I had the time and energy for a serious writing streak, and it got me thinking about inspiration. What does it feel like? How can we keep it going? What is it made of?

This got me thinking about inspiration as a unique state balanced between meditation and work. So I decided I want to initiate an on-going experiment, reflecting upon the relationship between meditation and inspiration. 

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3 Literary Game Changers that will Enhance Your Writing

3 Literary Game Changers that will Enhance Your Writing

If you want your story or essay to stand out in a crowded market, these are literary concepts that will transform your writing by maximizing depth and power.

These are the real game changers. They captivated people in Ancient Greece, and they’ve been mastered by Hollywood, but they are also the mark of great literary fiction and creative nonfiction. ln fact, they’re so juicy I’m not even going to introduce them anymore. Here they are...

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